Welcome to MicroGlycoDB!!

 MicroGlycoDB is a new database of glycan-related information in microorganisms using the Semantic Web technologies, in order to elucidate various biological processes that occur in vivo in these organisms.


 The development of this database is supported by the International Collaborative Funds of Soka University.

Name Affiliation
Kazuhiro Aoki Complex Carb. Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
Christine M. Szymanski Complex Carb. Res. Ctr., Univ. of Georgia
Yann Guerardel CNRS UGSF, Univ. Lille
Louis-David Leclercq CNRS UGSF, Univ. Lille
Tamara L. Doering Dept. of Mol. Microbio., Washington Univ.
Thomas Hurtaux Dept. of Mol. Microbio., Washington Univ.
Kiyotaka Fujita Grad. Sch. of Agricultural Sci., Kagoshima Univ.
Takane Katayama Grad. Sch. of Biostud., Kyoto Univ.
Toshihiko Katoh Grad. Sch. of Biostud., Kyoto Univ.


Keyword search is available on the top page. A list of microorganism species is displayed, each entry page can be accessed by clicking on the name of the microorganism species. Click “Search”to access the search page. Click“Download”to access the download page. Click “SPARQL”to access the SPARQL endpoint of the GlyCosmos test environment. When the database is accessed, the organism of the microorganism is displayed. When the organism is clicked, the sugar chain localized there. When the sugar chain is clicked, the sugar chain related data is displayed in more detail.